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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Win free VIP passes to the Screamup Tweetup

Halloween is nearly upon us and it looks like Weird Fresno was able to get a couple of treats early this year. The Fresno Beehive has asked me to give away a pair of free VIP passes for their Screamup Tweetup happening this Thursday, Oct. 21, at the Fright Night Scream Park in Clovis at 7:00 pm (there’s a pre-tweetup at Rio Grill at Sierra Vista Mall beginning at 5:30 pm).

In order to be entered to win you must leave a comment telling me the scariest thing that has ever happened to you. Pretty simple huh? Just make sure to leave an e-mail address so I can contact you to let you know that you won. Deadline for entries will be Wednesday, Oct. 20th at 3 p.m.

Even if you don’t win, all is not lost. For the tweetup, the folks over at the Fright Night Scream Up have a special deal going on (presumably to get more victims). Individual attractions are $5 (regularly $10) and the VIP passes, which get you into all the attractions, are $20 (regularly $35). To be able to attend the tweetup and be eligible for the deals, you must RSVP to @FresnoBeehive via Twitter to be added to the guest list. For more information, you can see the original post here.

I will definitely be there for this event. Hopefully none of the inhabitants there will try to kill me this time. But we all know they will.


Lorii said...

Not too long ago, my boyfriend and I were looking up at the sky when we saw a bright light appear almost out of nowhere. At first we thought it was a plane, but a few seconds later it started to look bigger and brighter as if it were heading straight towards us. I thought they'd finally come to bomb us, lol, so my boyfriend was all "Lets go inside, I don't wanna be the one to see it coming" Turns out though, it was an airplane. Not the best story, but if you would've experienced it, you might've thought it was a missile too.

Gianna said...

The scariest thing that ever happened to me happened when I was a kid. My sister, her friend James and I were all playing flashlight tag outside. We went up to a house where we saw his "shadow". It was a dark figure, thin, tall, and had a round head (his head was shaved), it looked just like his outline! The figure went between two cars. As we approached both cars, we noticed there was no one was there. We were a little freaked out. It wasn't until we saw him FAR on the other end of the block almost immediately after, that we REALLY got freaked out!

E-mail: giannaramos(AT)yahoo(dot)com
(trying to deter spambots, lol)

Digitalplague said...

A few years ago, I was walking to the store eating a burrito. Suddenly, I tripped falling hard to the ground. I could feel a cut on my neck, warm blood. I quickly covered the wound with my hand. Sheer panic came over me and I screamed.. Only after about a minute did I remove my hand to see not blood but pizza burrito sauce! When I fell, I hit my neck with the burrito! It was embarrassing but definitely genuinely scary in the moment!

Unknown said...

When I was 18 some friends and I were preparing for a conference we helped organize at Fresno State. We were all carrying boxes to cars in the parking lot at an apartment complex near the school when all of a sudden something pushed me back. It felt like I got punched in the stomach and I slid back a foot or so; At the same time as the push I saw a face come at me...I couldn't even scream I just gasped. Needless to say, I dropped my box and was a scared, crying mess. There were several witnesses that saw me fall and said it looked like I was pushed. I will never return to that apartment complex again.

Anonymous said...