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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

UFO seen over Clovis in April of 2009

Clovis Rec Center, the site of a 2009 UFO sighting
Image Courtesy of Google Street View

I was recently talking to a friend (whose name I won't reveal to keep their privacy) recently and the subject of UFOs came up. Turns out they had a sighting in Clovis on April 1st of 2009. I asked them to write something in their own words and this is what they sent to me.

I can understand why some may not believe my story when they see the date of this post, but I promise you, this entry is completely real.

The story begins with me and my boyfriend (at the time) spending our last day together. He picked me up around 19:35 so that we could drive around town and enjoy each others' presence. While we were driving North on Clovis Ave, between Dakota and Ashlan Ave, we spotted these strange flying objects (at 19:37) moving east. It took about 2 minutes for them to be right in front of our view from when we first spotted them. Eight to ten bright, and silent objects flying surprisingly fast, and rapidly flashing white lights (that changed colors to red, purple, blue, yellow, and green). They were in a 4-2-4 formation; 4 on top, 2 in the middle and 4 on the bottom. We immediately pulled over in the parking lot of the Clovis Recreation Center. We sat there for 7 minutes, staring in awe. We failed to have any type of media equipment suitable for capturing the moments that were happening. The objects then, 2 at a time, began to separate and flew faster than the rest (going towards the east hills/mountains). At that same time, we noticed an airplane flying in the sky. We could quickly tell, due to the red and green slow flashing lights and the noise it made. After, we drove towards the hills/mountains to try to catch up to them. We were not fast enough, but we did see them disappear.

I have no reason to doubt this person's account, I know them and trust their word completely. So the question has to be asked, what did they see? The multi-changing lights couldn't be a normal aircraft. Plus they noticed a conventional aircraft in the sky and had something to compare it to. It was definitely something that wasn't ordinary, but if it was of this planet or from another that isn't for me to say. Hopefully by posting this others that have seen the object will read this and they can add to the story.


Anonymous said...

Why would a UFO flash un-discreet multi-color party lights when flying over a city. I am sure if there are Aliens flying around they are a tad more discreet than a sky rave. Just Saying...

Clearly Claire said...

You didn't read that carefully enough. They wrote this:

"At that same time, we noticed an airplane flying in the sky. We could quickly tell, due to the red and green slow flashing lights and the noise it made. After, we drove towards the hills/mountains to try to catch up to them. We were not fast enough, but we did see them disappear."

It was an airplane that had the flashing lights, not the UFO.

Michael said...

Claire, the witness said they saw "Eight to ten bright, and silent objects flying surprisingly fast, and rapidly flashing white lights (that changed colors to red, purple, blue, yellow, and green)." When the objects broke formation is when they noticed the airplane which made noise.

To me it seems to be two completely type of craft. That and there was one airplane but several of the other objects.