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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Strange things going on at Lost Lake

Lost Lake
Photo courtesy of Richard Johnstone from Flickr

I've recieved several stories regarding some rather interesting things happening at Lost Lake. The Fresno County recreation area, located on Friant Road just north of Fresno on the way to Millerton Lake, has been the site of some rather odd sightings recently.

One witness and their sister in-law were fishing late one evening alone at one of the day beach areas. The witness reported that as they were shining their flashlight on an island across the water, they saw a dark figure moving in the brush. At first they figured it was a coyote or something, but then realized it was too big to be an animal. Just as they were about to turn off their flashlight, the light hit the figure. It appeared to be a young Asian boy, perhaps four feet tall, pale, and only wearing swim trunks. Right as the flashlight was turned off, the person heard a large splash like something heavy was thrown into the water. The witness claims it couldn't have been a fish as whatever it was made a loud splash. They then turned the flashlight back on and searched the area for the little boy, but found nothing. Spooked by this incident, both parties left in a hurry and have never gone back.

The second incident comes from the same two people mentioned before, but this time at a different location in the park. Once again they were fishing late one night, this time off of the broken bridge. Both were talking as their poles were in the water when they looked down towards the water and noticed a large figure in the water swimming to shore. When it reached land, it beached itself and stayed motionless for several minutes. What happened next terrified the two witnesses. Whatever it was, it then stood up on two legs and began to walk around as if it was searching for something. They estimated it was about five feet tall, but couldn't really make out any features as it was so dark. The creature then crouched down on all fours, layed on it's belly and then slithered back into the water and disappeared. Both witnesses were terrified and needless to say, got the hell out of there.

So here we have two seperate types of incidents at the same (generally) location and by the same witnesses. Two possibilities here. One is that whoever told the story is fabricating it, but given the ghost sighting and the stories I've heard about Lost Lake I'm not sure. There's been stories of a young hmong boy hanging himself from one of the trees there as well as several other suicides. Could the ghost they saw have been the same little boy that hung himself?

But what about the strange creature that they saw near the broken bridge? Rumors of a "vortex" of sorts and the land used to be an Indian burial ground have been told for years, but they don't really explain this creature. Granted it was dark that night and maybe they mistook some mundane animal for the thing they saw. But what creature swims onto land, walks around on two feet only then to lower itself back onto all four before sliding back into the water and dissapearing? Plus the fact that whatever they saw was about five feet tall when it stood up. I think Lost Lake needs to be added to the list of places that I need to investigate, so I can hopefully figure out what's going on.


Tom Shepard said...

I'll go with you. Let me know when.

Anonymous said...

Why do the people who saw the first account of the Asian-type boy who said they "never went back", go back at a later date and and have a nasty sighting again?

Anonymous said...

Follow-up on former comment.......upon re-reading account I understand that the same two people went back at a "different location in the park".

Michael said...

You make a good point. If they were freaked out by the place, why go back even if it's to a different spot?

Part of me wants to edit the article to omit that, but since it's their version of what happened I'm going to leave it in.

My best friend made a good point on this. What are the odds of the same people witnessing to different types of sightings at the same general area? I think with this one needs to take it with a grain of salt so to speak.

Anonymous said...

David Hok lives

Anonymous said...

oI've heard many stories about Lost Lake, like people dying after a close encounter with what Hmong people call a "dragon".

Jose said...

I wanted to reply to what Anonymous said on November 19th, 2010 in regards to the Hmong "dragon." While I admit that post was a while ago, I just found this site and was reading about the catfish at Millerton Lake (Number 10 on Strangest of 2010). One particular reply mentioned that a cousin of the poster had an encounter with a "dragon" and died months later. I might be reading too far into it, but maybe there might be a link between the two?

yer.lo said...

for the second incident, that i am very familiar with.. at a city called Newman where the Merced river and San Joaquin river meets.. in brawl daylight, i had a good crystal clear of 10 seconds looking at a dark figure which was too far to make out what it was (300-400ft and just across the rivers from where i stood).. the thing was as big as a black bear as it surfaced out of the water on four legs, stood up like a bear would, walked a few steps, stopped, looked over at me, quickly turned around back on it's four legs and ran right into the water.. it couldn't have been a beaver because it's too big and after going back into the water, it never surfaced nor does it pop it's head out like every other animal does as it swims away.. if you ask me what i think it was, i seriously can't say because it was afraid to be seen..2005

DaughterNature said...

I believe that there are strange things and mysterious creatures in this world that has yet to be understood by us. Because of that, we disregard them as 'real' and some of us even go so far as lie or overexaggerate sightings.

I don't think that we humans will ever have full contact with these creatures until we can truly appreciate and respect their existence on Earth. They will always be in hiding, leaving traces of their presence here and there, and only be seen when their guard is down.

As threatening as they may seem, I believe that they are generally harmless and even possibly confused. The most evil and damage in the world is done by the hands of man. That's one fact that we cannot deny.

yer.lo said...

A story was just past down to me that according to the creature that looked like a beaver/bear I saw was sited at San Joaquin River by Hwy140. A brother in law of mine (my sisters husband's brother) had 2 buddies that went out to a site where I occasionally fish at whenever i can and saw a huge beaver like animal picking and feeding on some leaves off of a bush that was next or near the waterline. Un-thoughtful as they were, in there mid 20's, wanted to throw a rock at it. As soon as one of them picked up the rock and threw it, the animal burst out of that very spot and looked like a "Dragon" like creature. They detailed it to be bright red, sparkling, size was like an anaconda, head was snake like, had horns and hair whiskers, and it wobbled like a fish up in mid air before making a huge splash into the river and swam away with huge ripple waves following behind it. The only thing that came to their minds at the moment of seeing it was, "Beautiful.." before they came to a realize that it's a creature not to be messed with and very deadly in the Asian historicals, they ran like they never ran before in their lives back to their car and went home to tell what they've seen.

Supposedly, the beaver like transformed itself to escape the moment they threw the rock, it felt threatened and showed its true form.

My sister and her husband both just had their daughter at the hospital where I was told the story, so congrats! He told me to not go there and fish anymore because of that event that had just happened.

Date of site: 2011
Two individuals name: did not say..
Ethnic: Asian (Hmong)

Michael said...

yer.lo, I'm starting to realize I need to study up on Hmong folklore and mythology, not only because of these sightings but I find it interesting. Can you recommend a somewhere for me to start? A book or person perhaps?

yer.lo said...

Michael, I'm not sure where to begin. From time to time, I do witness odd scenes and have odd feelings crawling behind my back to let me know something isn't right. But I'm a Christian and when things like that happens, I am clueless to what it is nor am I afraid. In the past, I've seen a human like dark figure that glows as it disappears into the darkest night, beautiful tiny birds like fairies humming, wondering and disappearing in front of my eyes, witness objects flying and falling off of counters at home, dishes and tables making noises in the late night, tv turning on and off, someone running on the ceiling inside the house, whispers in the ear from a far distant, seeing rainbows out of nowhere and of course, the beaver like dark figure.. but of course, my eyes could be fooling me into seeing and hearing all those, who knows. There is in fact a saying in the Hmong belief that to never joke or seek what's out there because it will really come before you when you are in it's territory..

To answer your question, start where it's closest. Find a Hmong family and have the old folks introduce a scary and shocking tale that they know (which they always do have or witness) and begin from there. Hmong people loves hunting and fishing, where they are going, it's the unknown forest and water that's likely to have weird things happen.

These are the creatures that Hmong have encountered in the past knows for a fact that they are true and real: mo hlub(bigfoot), kee kua-em(small monkey like person), poj ntxhoog(tiny female spiritually person), zaj(dragon), nyuj waim(bigger monkey like) and perhaps a few more which I don't know of.. I must first apologize to my Hmong Community people if I happen to miss spell these creatures, but you get my point..

You can try the Asian Community at where scary stories are told on the bulletin post.

Nyaj said...

Speaking of weird things happening while being at lost lake, i got a story to tell and yes it's real, the people who witness it are still around and whatever heppen that night... i'm sure is still going on.

About 3 yrs ago, an uncle of mine and his buddy (from Merced), plus both of their girlfriends (from Fresno) went latenight fishing at lost lake. Just to mention, all 4 of them are living together in the same place in Merced at the time.Anyways rigth around midnight, they heard noises from across the river so they did the same thing, shine their flashlights at it. they didn't see anything but right when they turn off their lights they heard crying from across the river, (suab nyiam or crying hmong folks would do at a funeral. the crying went on for some seconds until the buddy's girlfriend started crying. she wanted to go home but the guys said it's nothing and decide to stay a bit longer. Being scared the crap out of her, she decided to walk home from the lake. of course after they notice she's gone, they left the lake hoping to see her somewhere along the road.... nothing. When they got to her mom's place the guys didn't know where to start if she wasn't there but as they knock on the door, she (the buddy's girlfriend) opened the door for them. And even until now she don't remember how she got home that night. However that's not the scary part yet.

A few days later as she(buddy's girlfriend) was home alone, sleeping on the couch, she dreamed someone knocking on the door and asking "can i come in?" In her dream, not knowing who is outside, she answered "yes, come in" and went in the bathroom to wash her face as the door opened. When she actually woke up from her dream, she notice her face was wet and the door was wide open. She search the house but no one's home yet. the other 3 are still at work. so she just waited patiently til they get home and told them about her dream and what had happened. Now they're young and stupid, only in their 20's so they didn't do anything, no big deal it's only a dream right?? WRONG... within weeks only, many weird things started happening to her like talking to someone when no one is present, getting up opening door in middle of the night, wouldn't want to leave the house anywhere and she would NYIAM out of nowhere. (And again, she's only 20 at the time so crying like that (nyiam) would not be normal. after a few months, it got to the point where the buddy got scare and decide to take her back to her mom's place. they did the hmong ritual ceremony (Ua Neeb) and stated that she got in contacted with whatever that was that was crying from across the river when she was crying at the lake. also she let that whatever into her life that day she was dreaming about calling that person in from behind the door.

from what i know, she stayed like that for a while even after they ua neeb for her. i myself just thought she's going crazy at the moment but a few months later she returned to the normal her again. every once in a while we'll still hear her talking to herself but after they moved out of the house and my uncle decided he doesn't want to room with his buddy anymore (about 1 & 1/2 yr ago), i haven't gotten the chance to ask how is she anymore.

Again, i'm no witness to any of the action mentioned here other than hearing her talking to herself a few times before but i did hear this straight from my uncle who live in the same house she does and just like the 2 who mentioned in the article that they won't go there anymore.... my uncle has never been back to that place since. Sorry for the long story, just thought i share it with you guys since it might be related to the article.

yer.lo said...

I have to apologize on the post of Aug 11, 2011. After asking again, my brother n law said to me that it was a few years back when the 2 boys saw what they claim to have seen. Thought I should correct that if anyone is trying to match the story to a friend or relative they may have that happened to or heard of from others.

Kong said...

I go fishing all the time no matter rain nor shine, I have seen it so much it does not bother me. For lost lake I had fish there on many occasions and heard loud splashes like a huge rock or something big all the time at night. It does not bother me, what I'm afraid of the most are crazy people at night when I'm fishing, also crazy people and thieves better watch out I'm always loaded.

Anonymous said...

my uncle was one of the person that commited suicide... before he did he told my aunt that he saw a boy there hanging by the neck

Anonymous said...

The thing that came out of the water could have been a troll since it was at the broken bridge site.

Anonymous said...

Lived in Fresno for about 20 years moved to iowa ...I had few cousin who stayed over night there because the radiator cap wasnt tighten on the radiator(car) and they lost they couldnt drive home but they told me of a similar encounter of a loud splash in the water and weird noise at around midnight .......This location was more upstream closer to the camping area. i myself encounter a creature which burrowed itself inside a fallen tree(the root section)It was evening so i couldnt see it clearly as there wasnt enought light....I was climbing over that tree stomp had a black figure.....So it wasnt one location it had sightings along the river...

Anonymous said...

Talking about lost lake i have experiance wierd things to me once while my family were out there having a family picnic im hmong and i do believe n spirit or ghost as most people would call well back to were i was saying last year on my family picnic me n my cousins we were swimming and as i got out the lake to go grab myself a hotdog from our table a few feet away i felt something pushes me and as i stumble to the side a big'O branch fells right next to me my heart was beating fast at the time i take a look around to c who push me to the side but no one was there it was just me bu myself there was a girl on my other side but she was at least a few feet away it couldnt been her she cant be that fast....i got the chills behind my back but whatever it was i thank him/her or the thing that save my life soo i pretty much believes n good spirit n bad spirit and what save my life was a good spirit or whatever it is luckily i didnt get squish by the branch and im talking a big branch at least 10' long 2' wide and from that high up it can kill some1 if hits a person

Anonymous said...

Talking bout lost lake brings back what happen to me back n 1998 i was around maybe 14 around that time and i cant imagine that i am still alive today cant be any happier than i am right now....well to my true story it was a family picnic at lost lake me n my cousin went swimming and they wanted some hot dogs so i got outta the lake to grab some at out table it was a few feet away as i was walking i felt something pushes me and as i stumble to the side a Big'O tree stump fell right next to me gives me the chills behind my neck and goosbumps i look around to c who push me out of my death but there was no one close enough to push me at all and till this day i thanks to whoever or whatever he/she or the thing that saved me and as a Hmong person i believe n spirit and good and evil spirit and what ever saves me was a good spirit and if it wasnt for that i wouldnt be alive to this day it also gives me the chill to thinking bout it

Anonymous said...

Speaking of scary stories, there are plenty that I've heard. In 1994 I took a Criminology class, we went to the court house to hear/watch a murder case. Two white girls were murdered and raped in the bathroom, not sure which one.

My story in the mid 80's my family we had a family picnic at Lost Lake. After eating we all decided to go cool at the lake. I could remember the area we where at was pretty swallow. My uncle/aunts were crossing to the other side to a trail. My siblings and I decided to follow them. Almost to the trail, my youngest scream and cried out. My aunt scolded us to hurry up. My youngest sister saw something in the water. I saw it too, but look like an eel. As we got to the trail told my aunt and uncle that we seen something in the lake. My youngest sister was terrified, said it had big black eyes and the body look like a
snake figure. And kids don't lie!! After a few weeks later my youngest sister got sick she lost so much weight. My grandparents had to Ua neeg ( Shaman )for her I remember my grandpa had to go back to the area and Hu plig ( calling her spirit to come back ). Thank GOD she is doing ok! Till now she still remember what that thing look like. Us Hmong do believe that there are water dragon (zaj) that surrounds every lake. Hmong ppl loves fishing I suggest u wear gold copper for protection.

Anonymous said...

Dragon is a huge part of the hmong culture. hmong people believe they are descendants of dragon. Every cultural has different beliefs.

Anonymous said...

I remember back in the days around 1996 somewhere around there too long to remeber but as a kid i still rememer when my cousins and our family went to lost lake to spend our summer vaction b4 school starts again we found this wierd Blue reptile Eel looking with big fangs sticking out dead in between those rocks that seperates the fishing side and the kids side we didnt no what the heck that was but it was sure ugly and creepy but we were kids dumb and dont no what it is but now come to realized it damn scary creepy

Anonymous said...

I remember of a story told when I was just a teen. A few guys went out on the water to fish one evening and found themselves in a situation that they never thought they'd ever be in. One of the guys had walked down the stream to fish, leaving the other two behind. After about an hour the two guys noticed that the other guy never came back when he was supposed to. They searched up and down the river for about three good hours. The first hour they focused on where he had gone. They walked down the river stream and saw no signs that the first was there. All they noticed were strange markings on the ground. There was a pile of rocks, a few branches, and some dirt all shuffled around in a small pile. They said that it had looked strange. All of a sudden they heard a loud splash and caught a figure jumping into the river. They weren't able to make it out and ran away scared. As they got back to their original spot they decided to wait for another hour, just in case their friend might've gone further down the river. As night began to fall, they began to worry. Strange noises began to echo and a pungent, foul-odor smell began to linger in the air. Too scared to be waiting at the river, the two walked back to the car and decided they'll call for help when they got back. As they approached the vehicle they noticed a dark figure moving inside their car. It was getting too dark to see so they crept slowly and cautiously, hoping it was just the lighting and shadow. As they got closer they could hear a weeping noise. Right when they reached the bumper they noticed that it was their friend that they had been searching for. He was drenched and soaked with water, like he had gone swimming. They noticed that the friend looked quite strange as he was pale, soaking wet, and didn't want to look at them. They asked over and over again,"why didn't you tell us you were going by yourself and why not tell us you came back to the car? Why are you all wet anyways?" The friend didn't say a thing as they kept questioning him. Suddenly, he got up with a frown look and stared at the other two. He answered,"What are you talking about? I left you signs by the water. I took a shit and left the branches and rocks that I wiped my ass with, together. While I was washing my ass, you two spooked me and I fell into the water. When I got out, I was all wet and had to run back to the car. When you two approached me, I was wet and embarrassed. That's why I don't want to talk to you guys." OK, so I lied. But thanks for taking the time to read it though. Really means a lot to me that you expected to hear a story and I delivered. Chao!! Subscribe if you like....

Anonymous said...

I too came across an experience at Lost Lake. I can't recall what year it was but my family and us decided to go breeze down at Lost Lake. It was during summer and hot.

Anyways, that day was full of people swimming everywhere. Especially by the small beach look alike area where people usually watch their baby's and toddlers swim. Me and my daughter climb over to a rock like island and sat there watching everyone swimming. Where we were, the water was drifting fast. My daughter then said she wanted to get in the shallow water so I said sure. I turn around, just at least 3-4 second, she disappear. All I hear was screaming and yelling, someone is drowning. I look side to side for my daughter, no where to be found. I panic and when I realize, a man from across the river said "I think that's your daughter!" I panic and before I can jump in, a young man wearing a white t-shirt and black short grab her out of the water from no where. They just came out of the water. I was so terrify of my daughter life, I didn't pay attention to him. After 5-6 minutes, when I came to a sense my daughter was okay, I look around for him and he was no where to be found. A young man said he saw him cross the river and went to the other side where people usually fish. I went half way only to see no one on the other side. I looked and looked. I couldn't find him. I didn't get a chance to thank this person and he just disappear.

After reading a few comments above of good thing and bad things, this time, the activity that was strange was a person in a white t-shirt and black short rescue my daughter and disappear, no where to be found. He was almost like an Angel at Lost Lake.

In conclusion, I have heard of many terrible activities at Lost Lake. It's scary to think of it. But Michael, if you want to get in the research of all the paranormal activities there, please update us what you find. Lost lake has its good side and bad side. This time it was good to me and my family.

Anonymous said...

Well i live in merced and i use to hang around the wrong crowd. I've heard of things that people would do there when i was a kid. As a kid i didn't know better so i just shrugged it off. there are a lot of rumors of young girls getting rapped there and killed there. about the young hmong boy my buddies and i have actually seen him but at there time there were about 20 of us hanging out there late at night so we thought nothing of it. i would definitely not go searching for things that aren't meant to be searched. My grandpa would always say, if you got it good just stay that way don't go searching for problems.

Anonymous said...

I think this was in 2011. Fish at sherman rd at rio vista. It was cloudy and light rain and the water is very high, and milky. When I was getting to pack and go home. I tossed out my old bait from the hook and into the water. As I turn my head toward the river. Something made a splash after the old bait was tossed away. I look and only to find a splash. Weird but could it be what they said? zaj? lol Another day at the same spot. I took random picture around the area I fish. It was cloudy and very light rain. Then when I took the picture home to view. One picture has this white mark and look like a human body floating like in a forward motion. I send it in and he reply it was nothing but its paranomal at the time... I still fish there...

Also another different place. I think it was the year 2010. I fish in a cloudy day as usual and the water is very high. But the fish are biting like crazy at the time. I caught a striper off the sacramento river. I put him in a fishing line and tossed him in the water. Later I was fishing and sitting on a chair. Something big. The size of a beaver but that is only part of the body that I can see. Like a seal if that matter but seal on a day like this? I never see seal on a day like this but it seem like it took my fish. So I ran to the fishing line and pull the fish in. The fish is still there. So as precaution, I set it in my box... lol I cannot think what it was then a dark black. Make a pretty good wave. I fish t'll night then went home like nothing happen. I still fish there.

Have any hmong people here ever heard of a falling tree? I didn't believe this until I experience it myself. Same fishing spot. We heard a very loud tree fall as it was cracking and the sound it fall was so loud. Later the week we went back and found no tree that fall. Same thing while hunting. Check and no tree. Old folk's would say it is p-noj-y what ever that spell... lol

Anonymous said...

I remember one of my friends told me when she was younger her brother (hmong) drowned.

Anonymous said...

I was told a story from a family member of mines years ago.
Her and her friends went to lost lake for a little gathering they stayed there pretty late. Her and her guy friend went for a walk just the two of them, I'm not sure which part of the lake they were at.
Well as they were walking they came upon a white figure that looked liked a lady in white. They didn't panic they simply walked away. The next day her friend asked so what did she do? Stumped by the question. Her friend said I know you guys saw here, but the two of them haven't said a word about that night.
Well the whole story to the one I told you is that there was this lady who was getting married she wore a white wedding dress, during her wedding her husband never showed up. As everybody left she stayed and hung herself that night. They say she envy people in a good happy an healthy relationship.

Anonymous said...

My friend told me her uncle drowned at lost lake and the weird thing is he was a good swimmer and water wasn't deep either.
The place they were swimming at is near all the little kids swim at which I call the beach. Then there's the rocky area where people say you make your own jaccuzi and the big empty water where the trail is and swimming in that area you can see a waterfall that's where they swam at.

Anonymous said...

I remember last year me and my mom and my son went fishing. I was waist deep in the water, the area before the waterfall and a hmong lady starting yelling at us saying " get out of water evil fish will get you" and thinking she was just crazy we kind of ignored her. My mom got out to go talk to her and find out what she meant. And the lady explained theres a evil fish with a big fin on its head, looks like a eel or snake and itll bite your legs. we thought it was funny.

Hour later i was still in the water, fishes were swimming around me so i was standing there watching them and i looked up to see my mom just hanging out then i feel something brush against my legs. I look down and i see nothing. I still feel like something was swimming around me and the scary thing is you can see the wave in the water like something was there. I slowly started walking bachwards being freaked out. I had my face super close to the water looking hard. You then see the wave moving around me. Think of it a snake or a rat was swimming, the lift of the water and trail you would see? THAT!! It was like something INVISABLE was swimming around me. I got out and went to talk to the old hmong later and all she can say is "i told you" hahaha

I still go there. I fish all the time. I havent seen anything scarier then that so im not freaked out to go back yet. LOL

Anonymous said...

I was down there fishing some years back and catching some channel catfish at night .We kept hearing branches and twigs breaking across the river and thought ti was one of those beavers or muskrats that live there, they like to swim by and splash there tails and scare you ,lol .but at about 3.30 am , this noise was much to loud , then al of a sudden we heard this big splash in the water . We stood up on our feet, shined the one flashlight we had and couldn't believe what we saw ! A 4 point buck deer swimming across the river . So the mysterious beast makeing the noises was known .But there is more to this story . Since the fish bite was dead, we decided to cross the river the river ourselves at about 4.00am . We walked down the river about 150 feet and found a shallow place to cross over.The water was warm .We then walked up the other side of the river bank because there is a deeper water channel there . We noticed with our flashlight, what appeared to be mountian lion tracks , so its no wonder why that buck made a dash for the water . Needless to say , we packed up and went down the river , crossed over and back to our car and home .

Anonymous said...

Speaking of lost lake, my cousin told me about 8-10 years ago that he went fishing at lost lake one time during the day, and encountered something spooky. He thought a fish bit his bait, so he started to rail in his fishing line. What came up was a cross half his size. He threw it back in the water and took off.

Anonymous said...

I use to live in Fresno and would always enjoy my days at Lost Lake fishing for trouts. One thing I never do is, stay there at night. That is the only place when it begins to get dark, you start to have goosebumps all over your body and the hairs spiking straight. I've heard of many deaths in Lost Lake which I do believe those lost souls are roaming that area. Creeps me out even talking about this but thought I drop in since others are speaking of their encounters. If you don't believe me, go fishing alone at night at Lost Lake. Not only your mind will play tricks with you, but the souls as well. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Anonymous said...

I am not a believer until it happens to me personally, especially the existence of ghost. On this occasion, I attented my wife's uncle's funeral. He died a tragic death coming home from work at the cosino. I knew him as a very good man and a great father to his children. Anywho, during the funeral, every sibling of the deceased must wear a white rag on their forehead. After the completion of the funeral, they are to take them off and properly dispose it. Then, cleanse their hands at the home of the deceased. Well, my wife forgot about that and didn't follow the procedure. Things happen if procedure is not followed, that's why old folks created that procedure. After the wife not knowing she brought it home, we slept normal. A days later after the funeral, we thought about the deceased and was frightened for some reason. Late one night around 2 A.M. while we were sleeping, our fire alarm went off in our home. The wife had me up checking to see if there was a fire or smoke in our home. Of course, nothing I found. Went straight back to sleep. Again, a second time, the alarm went off but for a little longer this time. Got up again feeling a little freaked out, found nothing that would cause the alarm to go off. Checked the battery and it was still engergized after testing. Went straight to bed feeling scared. A third time, the alarm went off and that was around 3 A.M. From there, I couldn't get up to check the alarms. Am not sure if I was awake or still sleeping. However, I saw the deceased person dragged me by my right feet that was hanging off the bed because I sleep on the right side of our bed. Our bed was elevated about 2 1/2 in height, I like sleeping elevated. Anyhow, I feel myself being dragged by this deceased person. I fell off the bed with my right leg hanging up. Let me tell you, if I was dreaming, I would still be lying on my bed. However, this felt very real and I actually fell to the ground. Seconds after I fell to the ground, I woke up and the wife was still sleeping not hearing any of the thumping sound of me falling. I rapidly woke her up scared like never before. We stood awake for about 5-10 minutes. From there, her phone starting ringing. I picked up her phone and answered the call, no one was on the other line and there was no trace of the call. Again, I'm not a believer until it happens to me. You can believe me that I'm a believer now. It was all because my wife forgot to follow the procedure of properly dispose the white headband and cleansing of her hands. From there, we evacuated our home for a good month. Came back feeling normal again. We cleaned the place and found the white headband. Wife's mother threw the white headband away and I saw her physically throwing the white headband in our trash can. Took the trash out later that afternoon. Days later, I was in the bathroom preparing myself for work in the morning. I found the white headband in the bathroom. I asked the wife, "did you grab the white headband from the trash?" She looked at me puzzled and with a confused face, "No, why would I?". I pulled it out and showed her. We both were shocked and very very scared. I'm asking, why us? Why me? Why are you chasing/going after us? We did nothing to you but showed the utmost respect for you and your family? We participated in your funeral to show respect and to show that we cared about your absence in life. Honestly, I think I know why but it was a personal situation that has to do with my wife's father. It is very personal so I'm leaving that out. However, after all the unexplained incidents, we decided to move out because we just couldn't bare another incident like this. Since the move, all was normal and life was much better. True event and I will never forget this for as long as I live!

Anonymous said...

Back in the early 80's my aunt and uncle went to lost lake late at night. They heard a loud splash, thinking maybe something fell into the lake. My aunt can see a dark figure coming out of the water and stand up like a person. They were so scare they took off. I was only 6 or 7 at that time and didn't think anything of it until now.

Anonymous said...

If possible, i think you should be present at a "jingle bell" ceremony type thingy...a shaman in where he is slaying demons. Ive heard some pretty scrary, intense stories about these.

Anonymous said...

this place has been haunted since the early 80s since Hmong people started enjoying the outdoors there...numerous unexplained drownings and disapearances.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is. Dragons taught us how to do weddings. Its called zaj tshoob (dragon wedding). Sorry if I'm not correct.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think u should leave rhe ghost at piece. If u go and make an investigation on the case, u might get them mad and they might hurt u or fallow u home. It's really hunted there for reals. But its really up to u tho just giving u a heads up.

Anonymous said...

They also change the person name n move out if the house after the ua neeg part.

Anonymous said...

Wow scared

Anonymous said...

All the fresno people have their own story that all I got to say.. all I can add is try the bathroom late at night. This story don't go old an all the people whom I know are different people they all don't knoe each other but tell the same story..oh an if u fo below the dam on a full moon or new moon look for the fire ball or watever n follow if ur interested if u see a feather fall from the sky please don't grab it unless u don't care for your life but either then that all these story are the same repeat what I heard from the early 90s as a kids n still hear about it oh n try foggy days . I know a lot of friend or a friend whom see it say is fake cause they realizes it unexplainable n jus brush it off... but got them drunk n talk about ghost story n bam same story come out .. ps whos dear enought if u run into red eye following you.. good luck..

Anonymous said...

Everybody have there own story even I do but the thing is really is up to you believe or not. People take it as a joke but they jus brush it off. Proof my friend he a chruch boy n we one day was fishing n we was talking about ghost n he would laugh at mee n say lier after an hour I was telling all the story I heard or seen myself he finally said arite I tell u the truth that story u told meeh it happen but I jus aviod cause if u believe u will be the one who accept the ghost cause u remember it n it follow u home. That y he choose not to belevie cause his aunty almost die from that stuff..he jus answer my answer if u beleive u let them live in u if u choose not too they dead in the dark where the linger get what I'm trying to say....the thing my friend say is I go chruch that stuff I don't believe but I see stuff too but is just my imagination ... like they say the more scare you are the weaker u are small shadow the stronger u r the big ur shadow is ...

Jim said...

My cousin's saw something similar too. A creature with the same behavior at lost lake. I too have a story of an encountor with a ghost there too!

Anonymous said...

i use to live in fresno. now i am living in minnesota. when i was living there. i use to going to lost lake once in a while with my day, during afternoon, but the sun was setting. i saw a flare like a fire, coming out of the ground as high as about 3 to 4 feet, but there was no smoke at all..i told me girlfriend at the time..she look up and saw it too..we drove to that was about 50 yard from where i stop my car..we look at it. just like a yellow gold flare..i told my gf that i going out there to kill the flare,but she wont let me. knowing this place is i step back into the car..and we left. came back fews day early. nothing was burn..

for the boy who hang not sure about it. but i did have close friend, that his father hung himself there..he was about 5'5 feet.

Anonymous said...

Why can't it just be a boy? Why does it have to be a Hmong boy? What if this was a boy of Irish decent? Would it then be an Irish boy, etc?

Anonymous said...

not true hmong don't believe that they are decendant from dragon.....ur fool of it anonyus

Michael said...

Loving the comments people. Definitely need to revisit the story and location.

Anonymous said...

Lol.. sorry anonymous.. wrong asians.. we hmong ppl don't believe we are decendants od dragons..

Unknown said...

anybody not afraid of seeing ghost and encounter one if this story seem to be true, please use a nightvision video or camera to show that it really is happening everytime you guys visit lost lake. I used to be in fresno all my life and gone to that lake numerous times and I have seen no sighting of ghost. if you guys like to investigate and have experience in ghost that it is real than speaking from your mouth...remember, action is louder than we would like to see actual footage of a dark figure knowing who really is the main person that hang themselves on a tree...

Unknown said...

I am a hmong guy who is Christian by faith...I may believe and may not believe ghost at all when stories have been told when thing don't exist in life in front of my eyes...for those people who had seen ghost at lost lake when I was young and been there numerous time on occasion such as family reunion, picnic, and fishing around the lake, but have not seen a single ghost jump into the lake with a loud splash...I would like any of you to go and investigate with a hidden camera if u happen to have a evp stand for eletrontic voice phemonenon and digital camcorder that is specialized in capturing ghost. then I would happen to believe to see one...coming from the mouth wouldn't express truth but lies...hire someone who have experience ghosts encounter with special tools can surprise us what really happened there and what was the whole story why the Asian boy or father committed suicide.

Anonymous said...

When I was in high school I went to lost lake with some friends. I follow a friend to the left near the beach area. He went to the stream n I walked a little further down. As I approach a oak tree, the tree started shaking. I thought to myself it couldn't be the wind because it was a hot summer day. I looked up and the first thought in my head was someone was hanging on the tree. Feet dangling down. I got scared n walked quickly to my friend. I told him l lets go. He ask why. I didnt say anything and started walking up back to the road. I was too scared already n he sneaked up behind me and scared startled me more. Later on that day when I got home my head was pounding. I wasn't feeling good at all. I went to lay down in my room. I shared a bedroom with mysiblings so there was 2 bunk beds set up side to side . I was laying down on the bottom bunk. My head start hurting so bad and I was feeling nauseated. Feeling a fever coming on. I reach over for the blanket n I saw a white figure look alike with no face jump out at me. I got scared pull the blanket over my body. N start to sit up again to see if it was anything. All the sudden it popped right in front of me and threw something white like a toilet paper at me. I felt it hit my head, making my head heavy that it fell back down to the bed. The faceless face alone scared me. So I quickly climbed up to the top bunk. As my fever start to set in I saw a person that looked just like my younger walked in but he was taller. He walked in quietly n I saw him got in the bunk under me. But I didnt feel the bed move or anything. I called my brother's name but no one answered. I was really scared by now and climbed down from the top bunk to check the bottom bunk. As I search the bottom bunk no one was there. I exited the room and found that no one was home. I went outside to ask my mom if my brother was home and she said no he went to the store with my dad.

Unknown said...

I am hmong. I have relatives that graduate on year 2011. They were celebrating their graduations at Lost lake, they were three guys. Idk Wats up with them but my parents said they went crazy drunk at lost lake; driving around crazyness. They crash into a big tree that cause two of them death but one alive. The elders couldn't believe that how come they crash to a big tree and two didn't make it and one make it. So it doesnt make sense to the elders, they did a little jingle bell to check wat is going on. The ghost they call upon to talk to said it was a dragon lady that had cause the tragic accident. She came to come take back of wat is her( the two guy that didn't make it.) The ghost that they call and talk to during jingle said that those two son aren't suppose not to be dead yet but they have went to the dragon lady place she have came back for her two slave. The two slave were the the two person that didn't make it. Sigh the elders can't do anything about it. The two person that didn't make it; their parents said their son had a weird dream but they didn't want to mention it. If the parent have stop them my relative would've be gone by now.

Unknown said...

My parents always say never go to the park Cuz its not safe( wen she say not safe she meant thing like ghost stuff like that if ur Hmong u know wat I meant). I have a brother that already married he like to go fishing with his friends. One day he went fishing with his friend at lost lake. They using a small boat going across the river trying to get some fish and all. By the mean wen they got back home my brother didn't notice that someone had followed him home already.( now this the part wat my parents always said its not safe). My brother went to sleep on the day he came back from lost lake he kept having weird dream about his family idk wat was it. Every time he kept falling asleep he kept feeling like something was bothering him while he tried to sleep. A weeks later my brother call and told my parent to go see him at his house Cuz he said there something doesn't feel right about him after he came back from the lake. He said that one night he was sleeping on the couch with his two son their watching tv, he said he wasn't asleep but something is making him can't move like ghost rape. My brother can't move but he can see.. he said he saw something white blur is in front of him. My brother couldn't move. My sister in law was cooking in the kitchen room while she came right in time wen my brother was ghost rape. My brother was about to get choke by that white blur. My sister in law sees my brother sleeping like weird making Noice so she tried to wake him up. She call him but my brother couldn't move like he's paralyze. She call my brother name like couple time but my brother didn't answer Cuz he couldn't move or talk. So my sister in law see something is not really right she then went next to my brother and slap his leg very hard and call out my brother name. Finally my brother snap out of it. My sister in Law said wat happen, my brother said wtf there was something white blur right in front of me that Is trying to choke me. My sister in law was scared of it Cuz my brother been sleeping all day feeling tired every since he got back from the fishing trip. Soon later they call my parents we did a little check from the ghost said a female ghost is trying to take my brother. My brother was really scared he finally understand wat my mom mean by don't go to those kind of place it not safe. So we did jingle bell right after jingle bell that wat ever follow my brother left.

Anonymous said...

I heard stories of a fishing spot at Lost Lake that gets cold even on the hottest days in Fresno and you know how crazy hot Fresno can get. The story goes something like this(Not sure if its correct but I'm telling from what I remember). There were a group of Asian guys who I heard is in the MOD gang and a Asian girl they took there to chill at the lake. the girl was swimming in a shallow part of the lake and to prank the guys she pretends she was drowning. The guys ran in and help her finding out she was joking around. So she decide to do it again. This time the guys didn't fall for the trick but what they didn't know that she was actually drowning. When they turn back to look at her she was gone. The guys searches for her but nothing. So if you go to that spot to fish even if the weather is hot you start to feel cold and the hair on the back of your neck starts to stand up. I don't really know where that spot is but I'm to scare to even go find the location lol.

Anonymous said...

When i was a little boy around 3 or 4, my family was swimming around lost lake in that big area where everyone swims at. The water was really shallow, maybe about 2 feet. I dont really remember what happend but then i was just walking around the shallow area and all the sudden it felt like something dragged me down. The only thing that i remember was that It all felt like a movie and i was drowning for who knows how long. Luckily my older brother saw me and saved me. After that my parents told me i was always scared of water until i reached my teen years.

Anonymous said...

Something my grandmother and also my father had told me was "What's to be unknown let it be unknown. If you grow curious, it may make you crazy." Some of my elderly relatives told me that those who grow curious won't know that what they are about to find out can and will take away their spirits. Don't let your spirit travel too far away, you can get lost. It's true, because I have encountered certain situations of a close relative whose spirit traveled too far away, he became sick and all shamans did their best to guide him back, but he's wandered too far off that he couldn't find his way back to the light of his wife and son in laws or daughters calling him back into his home. Sometimes something's are meant to not be known for some reasons. And that, I believe. But, if you're so curious, May shaman be with you and don't wander off too far. Especially at night time, it's known to be that the dead comes out at night and they like to smell the fear in people. And good luck on your journey.

Anonymous said...

Ive been camping there alot and one time really late at night me and my mom heard, what sounded like horses running and Indians yelling. At the moment it happen we jus looked at each other with big eyes because my lil brother was sitting ther to and we didnt want to scare him,but as soon as we got away from him we both asked the same question, did u hear that? I know for a fact all that land around Millerton was once indian grandma use to take in foster kids an she got 3 kids that were living out there on a ranch before thier gpa got to old to care for them he passed,an no one claimed his land cuz they wer all to young they get $ from Chuckchancy casino how ever u spell it. So I know that has to be some kind of sacred grounds out there.

Anonymous said...

With Halloween just around the corner I thought I'll share my "experience". This was a good years back and my friends and I were on our way out to do some night fishing out in Mendota. This was around the time cell phones was really starting to get popular but the service was still spotty, especially out in the boonies.

My friend had to make a call but had no service on his cell so we stopped at a pay phone outside of a Kmart in Kerman (next biggest town before Mendota). This was around 11p so all the stores were closed and the parking lot empty except us.

We all got out and my friend headed towards the payphone while me and the other guy stayed out front by the car. About 15 ft away there was one of those small merry go rounds for kids. You put in a quater or two and it spins for a few minutes with music playing.

Well the guy with me walks over to it and about 5 feet away it goes off on its own, with music playing too. He jumps back in shock and it immediately stops. We're both standing there a bit in disbelief so I walk over to him and continued towards the ride. Again it goes off as I got about 5 feet away.

At this point we ran to the guy on the phone and told him we should go. We told him what happened and we were all a little freaked out so we cancelled the fishing trip.

Could it have been someone just playing a joke on us? Possibly. But who would wait for someone to walk by that late at night? It could be hours before anyone does.

Anonymous said...

Ok so this is a true story and those who read it might know us but yes this is our story. We went camping one night at lost lake near the bathroom at the camp site. My girlfriend and I was just about to go to sleep when we heard foot steps walking around our tent. We can hear the rocks being stepped on and kicked around as if someone was circling us. My girlfriend and I both stopped and with complete shock and scared looked at each other. What was that? I said. The sound continued but got closer. So my gf said look and see what it is. I got slowly and peeked out my tent where there was an opening on the top. No one was there. But the sound continued. A little freaked out I told my gf I didn't see anything. So right when I said that the noise stopped. We then looked at each other in fear suddenly without warning something or things started hitting our tent. Me and gf started screaming and yelling. All I remember there was tiny hands tapping my tent inwards towards us. It looked as if some kids about 5 or 6 of them were hitting our tent. My gf and I yelled stop. Then all of the sudden the faint laughter of kids was heard and faded away. My gf crying asked me to look to see what just happened, I was scared so I didn't want to. My girlfriend wanted to leave so I got up and left. While we were leaving I drove out already almost near to the gate where the camp site begins. Someone approached us in our car and asked us if we heard kids playing around. We explained what just happened and that we were leaving the white guy said that someone was throwing rocks at his rev and someone kept climbing is roof. Then he said he heard kids laughing. We could tell he was scared too. We told him we were leaving so he also started to clean up and leave. He said he wasn't going to stay either. Well that story is true and the gf is now my wife. She was so mad at me knowing I took her to a camping place call lost lake thinking nothing would happen. Still didn't know what happened that night but we know we were scared including the white guy. Ok thanks. Just wanted to share.

Anonymous said...

I remembered reading this a few years ago. Im glad its still here. This just happened yesterday. I was out there fishing by myself near the campground. There was nobody there. I was walking through the campground to find some old fishing spots that I use to go to with my dad. On my way back, I ran into this girl. She looked asian, but did say what she was. Very pretty lady. She smiled and asked if I caught anything. I didnt. She told me that she came with friends on the other area (by the playground area). She asked me to show her how to fish. I obliged and we were fishing by that huge water pipe. After about 30 mins of fishing and talking she told me that she had to leave. I asked for her name, but she didnt say. She only told me to enjoy the moment. I offered to drive her back to the other part of the park and she agreed. As we got to my car she told me that she needed to pee. She walked down towards the river. I waited for about 5 mins and went to look for her. Saw nothing. I drove to the other area to see if I might find her. There was no one there. When I drove up to the pay stationand ask the lady at the station she said that I was the only one who went into Lost Lake. Made me think of this article. Wonder if I would run into that girl again.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Where is the broken bridge at i was at lost lake the other day

Unknown said...

What does the gold copper do

Unknown said...

I went for a run tonight at lost lake. My girlfriend was at the casino at I figured while she's there I'll go for a run untill she calls. It was dark...about 7pm but I could still manage to run as long as I stay on the road. I was getting a strange sense in a certain area of the lake and from a distance seeing what looked like dark figures walking around on the sides of the road. As I kept running the figures would disappear as I got closer. I ran around again...and got the same sense in the same area with the dark figures in the distance. It was a great run being outside and all...I'll probably go back. I was praying as I ran and wasn't showing fear. If anyone would like to form a group to ghost hunt let m in.

Anonymous said...

One place to start would be Millerton Lake. Neither side will work but I had an encounter 3.5 years ago fishing with my wife and father in law on Madera side of Millerton lake. It was roughly at 8:45 am to 9:00 AM. It was caught on the left corner of my left eye as I was throwing the crankbait back into the water something within me told me that there was something on your left side of my eye by not just trying not to look at it I suddenly saw the Ripple of water coming towards me. As the corner of my eye saw was a head of (dragon) coming out from the water looking towards me. And, as I turned and look at it, it went back into lake leaving the ripple was again shown. I then moved to the left and as I came to a cove, I tossed my robo worm in for like 2 minutes until I hook on a fish, for which I thought was going to be a big one judging by how it was fighting. As I got to the shore, it turn out to be only 5 inch bass. At the moment, the hair on my neck rises and I felt a presence of evil and strong power looking at me from the water. From that, I never went that til this day.

Anonymous said...

The entire area of Lost Lake was an Yokuts Indian Village. It was called Kuyu-Illik. They lived there for thousands of years. Those clusters of holes in the rocks are where th women pounded acorns and other plants. There are native people buried around there someplace. That may be the reason for some of the strange occurrences. I wouldn't go there after dark. There are also Mt. Lions there occasionally.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend that went there and saw what looked like a bunch of naked people dancing in a circle at night. She said it reminded her of some sort of devil worshiping group.

Boloccster said...

Its strange I here this story and just so happen I was there one day and I was helping a Asian girl crossing over the rocks in the water and she was explaining how her Lil brother Drowned there hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

I heard lots and seen things

Anonymous said...

an Asian girl told me her brother died there and he was young so he could have been four feet tall

Anonymous said...

The San Joaquin River at Lost Lake was a Yokuts Village site. You can still see dozens of round mortar holes in the rocks where the Indian women pounded acorns and seeds for food. There are probably graves there somewhere. There have also been drownings there and other accidents, so it's no wonder it gets creepy at night. Some of the loud splashes are probably beavers. They hit the water with their tails when scared and can make a big splash. There are also large animals such as deer that can make noise at night so a lot of the night time sounds can be explained that way. Occasionally mountain lions will pass through but they generally avoid people unless you ar a small child, so be careful.

Anonymous said...

Michael, the superstitious is very common in the Hmong community. Perhaps it's due to our strong belief in Shamanism. If you want to find the truth, just go out to Lost Lake at night. Maybe with one or two friends just so someone can watch your back. Don't be discouraged if you have no sightings after the first few trips. It is very common to see ghostly figures especially when you aren't quite as alert. Also, if the Hmong superstitious nature fascinates you, try investigating some of their local funeral homes in Fresno. Many ghost sightings have been reported.

Me. said...

First sighting who knows, second sighting, probably beaver, their all over the area and can can look pretty big at night, especially for people who see things.

Anonymous said...

What's creepy is that a lot of these stories sound similar to what happened to my husband.

Unknown said...

We plan going there tomorrow ...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

One friends was at three rivers called kaweah lake there we barely arrived around 7 we barely got there unloading our stuff off our backs when I heard a big splash so I told my friends what was that and before I know it they were looking to me and they knew what I was looking at my friend was ten twenty feet away he said he seen it splash to so as we look that way towards the splash we seen a dragon look alike creature it had black spikes on the back and as the scale it look like an alligator scale all black shining in the sunset light barely on the verge of going down we think we seen a dragon in kaweah lake 6 eyes against the world if they don't believe us so what just be safe out there please

Anonymous said...

Wildlife is always on the move. I go out and look for animal tracks out there all the time.
There's a large pack of fat raccoons on the other side of the river next to those benches that get flooded sometimes. See them at night every time. They seem massive. Just flash your lights to the other side after dark, you will see them.
Also if you go down the nature trail it gets pretty thick, almost like it's been shaped and turned into structures. You guys might want to consider a little big footing out there. For people who know big foots are real, sky harbor has some major foot print highways on occasion. That's not too far from there. Extremely large human like tracks walking and caving into the ground in running fashions.
Also thought I found some bear tracks at Lost around the old heli pad, highly unlikely I know. They're not very brazen, but I've seen bear tracks a lot in my life and these looked like bear tracks. Scratched my head for a bit just seeing them actually. If they were, maybe it wandered down the hills West of Millerton. Might just have been over exciting myself though. Though I'm sure large wildlife comes close to the cities more often then we realize.

Molly said...

Old post I know but can’t help but comment on this post that I too had an experience with a mysterious man in a white shirt.. is all I can remember.. I was 13 14 that time and I was in the same exact spot I believe you’re talking about.. I decided to take a dip in the water next to me but once I got in, the current was pulling me down from beneath and then I saw a man in a white shirt is what I only remember.. he was Hispanic or Caucasian or maybe Indian.. he got a long stick and aimed it towards me while I was struggling in the water and he handed to me and I grabbed it and once I got out, I didn’t see him anymore. Not sure if this could be the same man that helped me.. if it is, he is definitely an Angel..

Molly said...

I know so late Not sure if this was the same man who saved me.. had a near drowning experience while I was in the same spot you and your daughter was.. all I remember was he was wearing a white T-shirt. Maybe Hispanic or caucasian. He aimed a stick to me and I grabbed it.. as soon as I was out of the water, he was gone. I always had a feeling he was some sort of guardian angel. As soon as I read your post, it brought me back those memories I’ll forever keep in my heart.

Molly said...

Had an incident here a few years ago when I was a teen.. almost drowned in the beach area, I thought the water was shallow and safe and so I went in but figured out the current was so strong, it dragged me under the water for a few seconds which felt like forever, it was dragging me down the stream to where the big river is at, then all of a sudden a man whom I did not know, he aimed a stick towards me and pulled me out. As soon as I got out, he was gone. I was looking all around me but I didn’t see him at all. All I can remember was he was wearing a white t shirt. He looks young, Hispanic or maybe caucasian, or maybe Indian. Not sure. I read someone’s post somewhere up there ^ and they seemed to have same experience like mines. Man in white shirt who felt like an Angel.. til this day, I’m 28, I always wondered if that was a person or a good spirit..

Joanna said...

The broken bridge is not at lost lake. It's up the road a few miles.

Unknown said...

Ive seen some pretty wierd things and i like to go up that woody looking train right next to the very end of the parking areas to the left of the initial entrance to lost lake. We were out around 2 am and you could hear something across the river making noises. So we went kind of prepared to find something interesting and we shined a 1000 lumen fenix pd35 flashlight across and in the tree across you could see the eyes glowing fron the light in the tree (i just assume it was a cougar or something) well it jumped out of that tree when we shined it away and im pretty sure it started trying to come across the river because we heard the splash but i didnt even want to stay and wait for it so we ran back to the car. Another time i had went with my ex and i noticed something fairly large in the bush (near the same spot as before) right before security came up and told us to leave. So i asked if they ever come across mountain lions or bobcats and they said no but right before they pulled up something was definately in the bush about 5 yards away with its eyes just glowing from me shining that pd35 flashlight at it. The light was super intense yet i still couldnt see what was hiding in that thick brush. Soo i never found out what it was but i love going there for some extra thrills at night

Avenstin said...

I'm 28, ive been going to this Lost Lake since i was a kid 6-7 years old i've never experience anything supernatural there but as i get older we tend to stay up longer and couple times me and family would stay a bit late just until nightfall and its super creepy and eerie at night cuz there isn't really any light there last time i was there and your "fun" mood changes quickly into a "fight or flight" mood idk y. I have gone night fishing by myself and felt safer then being at that Lost Lake with my whole family.

Anonymous said...

If you read it correctly, it was at different places.

Anonymous said...

I saw something once.. I was about 7 at the time. I am now 13. I remember sitting on a chair eating a kabob. I was bored and I looked across the river. I saw a black figure. It was just sitting there. It was looking down into the river. The eyes looked all black. Since I was across the river, it looked like a bear but it was far too big to be one. This whole event was by the rapids.. I still remember the moment I saw the thing clearly.

Unknown said...

I go to lost lake,the people telling there story of a big black something is real. It has jump in the water alot of time when I am there, and I don't know what it is, because it's fast and can hide in the water right in front of you. It seems to be aware of my president. I seen one morning something big black something walking at the front trail entrance. A little while later a big splash. I only seen the top of a head it was black as it enter back in the water. As of 3/27/2020 was the last time I saw this what ever it is. I'm not crazy it's true those girls are telling everyone the truth. You could look for your self just be quite. You'll hear when the water splashes. When your presence is around.

Unknown said...

I remember going to that broken bridge in the early 80s, me my brother and two of our friends. we rode our bikes down there and left our bikes by the water edge and walked around for a few minutes, to our surprise the four of are bikes tires were flat! I felt very strange because we were the only ones there.

Unknown said...

You said the first sighting was at lost lake and the second one was at the broken bridge?both of the location are on the same river how ever if they where at the place where the pic from Richard Johnstone was taken and thin the second one was at the broken bridge they would have been about half a mile up river depending on what part of the broken bridge that they where at. Did you know in between the two locations if you go floting down the river and get out on the righthand side of the river( witch is considered the Madera side) there is or use to be I have not been there in years is what's left of a old saloon with stairs going to what I can only assume would be where the owner lived or the saloon girl stayed it's partially burnt down. I thank that that was one of the first if not the first saloon in the town !!!!

Unknown said...

Was the man /boy that saved your daughter a white guy by chance? Because that story re minds me ofthe time my brother saved a girl you daughter was little 2or3 maybe I thank it's been so long and I was a kid myself like 8-9 I spent the better part of my life liveing at lost lake and at the house that was on the Madera side it's gone now but if you where to cross the river and get out on the other side and clime up the prices of the broken bridge you would be in what use to be my front yard ,well back then if you did not know us you would not make it that far because most people where scared of are dogs and if you werent and you tried to come up the hi the dogs all14 of them would chase you back down

Unknown said...

Most people don't know about that waterfall and that is one of the most dangerous parts of the river because it's not a lake it is the river it has current and undertows that even a person that is a good swimmer can drown swimming in the river is not the same as swimming at a lake or a pooling at your house or even the ocean

Anonymous said...

In the fall of 1968 a car flipped over into a ravine of water and both occupants died by drowning trapped in their car.

Unknown said...

Hay i know this story was 6 or 7 year ago always love to go to lost lake with family and firend during that year that those two person saw what that saw i witness the same thing but didnt seen a dark figure like them two but ever night when i was out there with 3 or 4 of my buddie fishing at night every 5 to 10 minutes there well be a big splash like someone threw a big border rock in the middle of the water always think that the big splash was a big fish jumping out of the water then one night one of my buddies wanted to go fishing at the camp side at lost lake that night the trout were biteing back to back my buddie that wanted to go fishing at that spot caught his third fish as he trun on his light shin it at the fish someone threw a big circle rock right in front of us look around and no one was there all three of us jump up and took off runing back to the car left all the fish and are fishing pole and takel box behind ever since that day i never went back to lost lake it been 6 or 7 year and today my wife ask us to go swiming over there but i told her about what i saw that night i well never want to go back i hop on line and see this page people believe it or not what ever these to guy saw or said is true lost lake is creepy and scary even sky horbor during that time of year everyone hmong or asian people who come from sky horbor at night well see a white horse runing side by side by there car as the driver down the rode by the table mountain the horse dissapper i love to go there at night with one of my ex girlfriend to look a fresno from the montain view all the light so beatyful as we started to driver back ahe look at me and said there a big white horse at the back of her car i trun around and there was nothing there she got out of the car and started to to reach her hand like she was petting something telling me it was a big white horse but i still didnt see nothing think she was crazy or triping out asking her is she on drug or did is she druk as she came back to the car i driver off as we approach the road coming down to table mountain she look at me and told me to dont be scare if she tell me how that horse look like she told me that she never saw a horse shiny with a human face a week later a fernal was going on for a hmong family my ex girlfriend invited me to go and stay with her when i got there she told me that the person that die has the same face as the horse i got scare and told her i had to do some errin and took of never talk to that girl augan since that guy that die was shoot and merder at sky horbor during the same the the two guy witness what they saw at lost lake

Unknown said...

Creepiness creeps in Every time I go to collect rocks at the Broken Dam. I feel unease and I cant explain why. I just want to leave. I am very spiitual and the vibes there are not right. My son and I left offerings and a painted heart rock because some of the best rocks are found there for painting. Then as we were leaving something slid, like human size under the bridge ledge. There was so much garbage and broken glass every where that I worried if that was a human hiding surley they were afraid and would be cut. We left becasue it was uncertain what it was and it wouldn't answer me. So we drove a little way down to Lost Lakes and took a walk on the left side. What brought me here is there was a note on the tree towards the entrance. A suicide note with a rose and alot of markings in pink and darker pink xs on trees to mark the way. I was getting worried we were going to find a body. So if you go to the end of the trail the markings go on past that. We stopped and turned around to go back. I was unearved and felt a presence. like we were being watched. I think I better smudge my rocks now. The dreams I had last night were pretty bad. and I already talk to myself so. That happened.

Unknown said...

This is great to know i thought i was by my self ..know i have heard about lost lake ghost from my Asian friend. And i am a spiritual person now but at the time i new about it and repeated one day me and my family went to lost lake me and my family has been coming for years..i have been coming here sense the early 90s im 42 now.seen things the white lady a few times and the dark man with the red eyes.but always new that if i respected them they leave you alone.but one night we were there with my friends and family it was a great we leave and halfways home i reallys that i forgot my fishing pole.Not just any fishing pole the one my wife got me for are anniversary...

So i return to lost lake but gate is closed wen we return so i had to walk frome the gate.witch was not a thing for me but my wife was freaking out for me not to go.but wen its a gift im not letting it go so go its not bad it was a fool moon nothing so everything it was im walking and to the bottom road at the pump then took a the handicap pools well that what we call it. its were the water pool and kids and easy access for them.idk but that what i know it as sorry if im wrong.but thats were i left my fishing pool. so i started walking there its was live birds bugs were making noise was not bad f.y.i i was packing do to crazy people. but i digress so im walking and before i get the the bathrooms buy the pools. wen i got a chill and everything shut the fuck up at one time. Im talking about from noise to nothing but water running no juck.i find my pool i start walking back witch is about a mile from spot to the gate.i tried acting like i was tuff but it was bull.i got back by the bathrooms and i ran up the hill to walk up on the top road were the moon was bright ..then walk to my car at of all the thi g i have seen in that park witc3was a lot.

That experience that scared me to my bones i felt it was very eval or Dominic ..

Bloggerboy said...

Most of these comments sound like they're written by the same 1 or 2 nearly-illiterate people!

Anonymous said...

Please whoever wrote this please contact me. I have same story like this with the guy in white tshirt at lost lake.

Anonymous said...

The 4ft tall creature could have been a lost sea lion/seal. I see lots of sea lions on the coast near Ventura once.

Anonymous said...

When we went camping about 3in The morning we heard a lady crying y the river