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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Ghost of Sister Irenita

Downtown Fresno, St. John's Cathedral - present day. Photo courtesy of

In downtown Fresno, at St. John's Cathedral there is the legend of Sister Irenita. Sister Irenita served the head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno in the early 1900's. It was there she passed away, but never really left. For months her spirit could be seen wandering the halls of the rectory.

The interior of St. John's, taken sometime in the 1950's - photo courtesy of Cathedrals of California.

Finally a special mass was done to put her spirit at rest and the sightings stopped. What's really interesting is that a root from a tree had broken into the Sisters grave a few years later. When she was disinterred, her body showed no sign of decay whatsoever and it looked as she had been buried for only a few days.


Unknown said...

Creepy really....

Anonymous said...

I had a strange encounter in the " Prayer Room" where one lights candles inside the church on the east side at the entrance. I have seen many strange things in my lifetime some with witnesses & some without.
The prayer area is outside now with
many statues. This occurrence occurred sometime in the middle
90tys. I used to light candles & pray
for those in need. As I finished praying I was getting ready to light a
candle for a young woman desperately in need of prayer. Strangely I was stopped twice by 2 pan-handler's.I told them to show respect for me in the prayer room&
when I was done I would be glad to give them money.
So the candle was finally lit. I then placed the candle in a circular iron
type tier, it reminded me of a " Wedding Cake"
As I looked at all the candles that were lit I noticed black shoes with
black pants. What was odd was this
person was standing with both shoes pressed together like a soldier, the shoes were "side by side
I then slowly gazed up thinking this must be a priest.Too my surprise this person was completely silent.
My eye's gazed up slowly & I saw what appeared to be a man, he has both his arms pressed to his sides
like a soldier.
He had a black thick cardigan sweater.And then I gazed at his
neck, there was no "White at the collar" but I could see his "Adam's apple".
He had "Olive complexion"
Finally I looked at his chin & it was
shaped almost like the letter "V" which I found highly unusual.Then I seen his nose it was "Hooked Nose".
At that point I was too afraid to look
into the eye's of this strange being.
Fear took over me & I left, but where
we're the " Pan-handler's" I promised
to give money to once I left the church? I actually felt whatever was going on in that prayer room was evil & upset that I prayed for that woman.The woman was saved. But
year's later there were "3 deaths" in my family I was having problems with a family member & their " in home health care provider"
I remember sleeping on my back& there are times just when I am getting ready to go into a " Dream State", I can see things thru my closed eyelids.
What I seen was a man dressed in
black with the same clothing kneeling over me.The " Same facial
features", only this time I can see his eyes. They were not natural.
His eye's were as if someone got
their fingers & pulled the skin below
their eye's where you can see the
" Red" in their eye's.
I could care less whether anyone believes me or not, but that afternoon whatever was in that
Prayer room with me was "Completely Evil"