For several years now mysterious lights have been seen in the night sky along the Interstate 5 corridor from Kettleman City to Los Banos. Witnesses have reported seeing a triangle shaped craft with a light at each point hover over the highway. The craft would fly over an overpass (it has been seen over Manning Ave) making a 90 degree bank as it would then make a steep dive as it crossed over the highway flying roughly 15’ to 20’ above traffic before making another 90 degree bank turn then descend to nearly 2’ above the ground, looking like it was about to land before ascending at nearly a 45 degree angle to start the pattern of flight all over again. Witness report that it would make the same looping pattern until they lost sight of it. They would try to get away from it as quickly as possible, afraid that the craft would crash into them when it buzzed them flying over the highway.
No red, green, or strobe light that is standard on a conventional craft has been seen. Just three bright lights are the only source of illumination from the craft. There are reports of the craft being a thin wedge shape, but this can’t be confirmed. No sound has been heard as well.
What these lights are is not certain. Sightings from as early as 2002 to as recent as August 2005 have been reported. Some speculate it is nothing more then a crop duster which would make sense since the stretch of highway cuts through agricultural land, but one has to wonder about its erratic flight patterns. One would think that the FAA would find out who this rouge pilot is before someone was hurt. But three years later and it is still spooking drivers who happen to drive along the Interstate 5 corridor between the small farm towns of Coalinga and Kettleman City.
This had been a post I had done on a blog years ago. Reason why I am reposting here is that I came across a video on YouTube that was a short clip of the same three lights described above on Interstate 5. Can't be certain, but this looks like the same craft. Judge for yourself.
I'm thinking of making an expedition to Kettleman City this summer and bring some still and video cameras and see if some evidence can be captured. If anyone else is interested let me know. You don't have to believe in UFO's, my goal is to see what is going on and to try to explain it.
That looks an awful lot like crop dusters that I've seen out on the west side. They do fly at night (when the wind is light and the chemicals they spray can descend onto the crops), they have a row of bright white "headlights" mounted on the front of the wings - so they can see the ground when they are flying low, and they do crazy flying maneuvers - which look even weirder at night.
When they do tight turns (as crop dusters frequently do), what looks like a row of horizontal white lights quickly becomes a row of vertical white lights. It looks like something a normal plane doesn't do, but because it's at night and you are not seeing the plane - only its lights - so it looks very odd. On top of that, the plane is extremely low, and a casual observer isn't expecting to see that.
At the end of a run across a field, the plane will suddenly rise up and do a very tight turn. Also, I thought I did see a blinking strobe light among these lights on this video.
So anyway, my vote is that this is a crop duster plane - much as I would like to think that it's something else.
Love the new site, by the way. And a friend and I did see a UFO back in the 1970's fly over our old neighborhood in northwest Fresno, but have nothing to prove it. This was an honest-to-goodness dark triangle with dim gray – yes, "gray" (and it wasn’t foggy that night) lights.
Sometime I'll try to get you some information about the Marinette Avenue motorcycle ghost which is supposed to exist north of Exeter.
Honestly you're probably right. But still I'm not quite sure. How come there are no green or red marker lights seen on the craft? Plus the actual YouTube page says it was filmed on Oct. 03, 2008. That's kind of late for crop dusting isn't it? My family owns vineyards and that's harvest time for most crops, if not after.
And it's been a while since I've drove on the I-5, but I don't remember any crops out there. Was just grasses, probably for cattle grazing.
But this video could well be nothing more than a crop duster spraying a crop any time of year the poster lied about the time/location knowing the history of the road.
Have you seen the other post I did? Completely different lights than these. Like I said though, you are probably right about it being a duster.
Still thanks for the kind words. Would love to hear more about the UFO and the ghost.
Hi there...
I've actually seen this craft twice and experienced the "craziness" of it. The first time, about 2 years ago, it was flying ridiculously low and plunging down toward oncoming traffic. It also stopped right above us, low enough to be below the powerlines. We were, too, convinced that it was a crop-duster until we saw from below that it was in the shape of a triangle. It also moved much to acrobatically to be a plane. It was able to nearly stop, flip completely over, then continue flying.
We went to Stockton this weekend and were lucky enough to see it again. This time, we saw three. One was out in the field, flipping around, but unfortunately we didn't get to catch it by the freeway. We, again, questioned whether it was a plane or not, but then it began to move again in strange patterns. I have a very brief video of it here... It's definitely worth the drive to go check it out. We concluded that it might be some "top-secret" government aircraft. ;)
Here's the very brief video we got of it. Unfortunately, the air-craft is just cruising along in the clip we got. I actually didn't know I had gotten it at all because it was so dark.
I am an interstate trucker along the I5 freeway and on 5-29-10 I saw these lights. I have watched crop dusters at night and day up and down I5 for over twenty years. I have never seen anything like these lights. I tried to convince myself that they were crop dusting but most of its flight was uncharacteristic of dusting. Almost immediately it drew my entire attention as something unusual. It turned its lights off and on, flying dark a while then turning them on. It went dark at times an airplane would need visibility and vice versa. What struck me was it seemed to be drawing attention to itself by both flying low and over the freeway but also by flashing its lights. I saw it twice for quite long durations the second time about five miles south of the first sighting. The first sighting was over a crop field and the second over an orchard. Also, at exactly the moment the sky paled with impending dawn, when I could just make out a slight silouette it turned out its lights and flew off south or southeast suddenly. because of the darkness it seemed to vanish but I think it actually inverted on its last manuver. What i can say is it is flying. It is obeying the physics of aviation and was not floating or elevating straight up or making impossible movements. My impression is that it could be a remote controlled drone of some sort. I have never seen anything unusual before and I am happy there are others who have also had this experience.
I was drivng in this area about 2 years ago, south on I-5. My wife was driving, and i was awakened by a slap in the arm, and her screaming about something flying across the road directly in front of the car. I watched it bank around to the east, and fly above the car behind me about 150 yards back. It flew over the car and then decended to the level of the highway in front of the vehicle so that I could no longer see the car that was following me. It then pulled up and turned sharply and rolled 3 to 4 times. This was not a crop duster, and I was very pleased to get away from it. I observed one last long banking turn before I lost sight of it due to the terrain. Could not make out the shape of the vehicle, just three horizontal white lights only. No flashing.
About 2 years ago I was driving by with my dad coming back from LA to San Jose. I tried waking up my dad telling hiM i see a UFO. From what I saw it had about 6 triangular panels or windows and a few bright lights. And it appeared to high beam the ground when it got near. Did dramatic random turns in the air close to the exit of Manning and about 50 feet above traffic. Traffic slowed down to 20 mph. I was very scared. Then after It kept doing the same randon flight pattern of soaring and highbeaming the ground we passed it and all the other cars sped up too.
My friend recently was coming back from Las Vegas and told me he saw the same thing.
Just saw the same thing last night on interstate 5 coming back from a trip to LA. Wife thought it was an airplane. Thought it was going to crash into us. It came down in a dive low into traffic going south bound. Suprised it did not hit any cars. Flew past the interstate and started to climb and did a quick banking turn. Headed north bound and thought it was chasing us. Had us scared. Was searching the news for anything about it today.
A few years ago I saw three crafts while heading north on I5 fwy near Panoche rd. Around mid night the first craft hovered over us and turned slowly over the field to the left. The next one hover directly over us, I was in the front passenger seat and looked up through the front windshield. I got a good look at the bottom It was the size of a house, no landing gear, no sound, and made of smooth rectangular plates like a large boat but flat. It was no crop duster. The first one that passed over circled behind us and tailed us for a good while. When we sped up it turned off its three huge lights and when I looked back I could see the amber glowing from the lights still right behind us. It then slowly rose up and turned around. It was super creepy.
A friend of mine and I also saw these UFOs. We were on I5, heading north, just south of the Panoche Road exit. It was around 11pm-midnight in late April 2010.
Two aircrafts appeared on the right hand side of the road, each had three white lights (no colors or pulsing). They caught our eye because the lights were very bright (like spotlights) and they were flying very low, maybe 100 feet off the ground. Both crafts darted back and forth along the right (east) side of the freeway, and then back and forth across the freeway in front of us. We realized they were not likely airplanes based on the improbably nimble movements they were making - darting and stopping on a dime, hovering, and most disturbingly rotating in place. The final maneuver we saw them make was very shocking: after they had darted back and forth across the freeway a few times, they came to a complete stop, hovered for about 1-2 seconds, and then began slowly gliding back over the freeway to the east. As they glided east, the three lights were in a straight horizontal line. Then, while continuing a perfectly straight glide east, the lights rotated over themselves as though the craft were rotating end-over-end (or tail-over-nose if it were a plane), all the while maintaining a perfectly smooth and uninterrupted line to the east. To help you visualize this, picture the three lights in a line (horizontal), the middle light stayed put while the forward and aft lights rotated about it - all the while maintaining a perfectly smooth line of travel from left to right.
As they did this, they were probably 50 feet apart from one another, and maybe 3 times the height of an overpass we were approaching.
The last glimpse we got were the crafts gliding and flipping off into the east. The whole episode lasted about 20-30 seconds. We got off on Panoche Road and tried to drive east to follow them, but they were gone.
My buddy believes they had to be some type of gov't high-tech craft. I'm unsure of this simply because I would think it unlikely for the gov't to show off these craft 100' above the 5 Freeway. Traffic around and in front of us slowed way down, indicating that lots of people saw this. No way they were crop dusters, but if that helps you sleep at night, go with it.
I cannot state my name or rank but I am a pilot with the u.s. air force. I fly the infamouse f-22 raptor. If you don't know what it is the look it up its the most agile,nimble,unbelievable plane you will ever see. Ill offer some insight on these matters. The story's near the top of the page I can say just by the details and light setup its probably a single engine prop plane used for dusting the light bar gives that away. And yes dusters crop dust fields to keep down the bugs they spray pesticides. I have flown over 75 missions in combat. Ihave to be super brief and not give much detail I could face a court Marshall. All I will say is 90% of the time its a duster other 10% probably some test aircraft we most definitly have them and use them on a regular basis about all I can say about that. I will say as well I have been cruising patrolling the skies at 45000 feet and have seen some really weird stuff that not only I.have seen but.other pilots and our headcams were confiscated immediately on our return to our fob. And you notice I said fob (forward operations base) I saw these supposidly "other aircraft's " in another country. Hope this helps. Happy hunting...
Hello everyone. I'm 32 years old. I'm not sure what year it was or how old I was but many years ago when I was in my mid 20's, my friend Dave and I went on a trip to Reno. We were traveling along the Interstate 5 when we saw a black triangle with white lights over the Mojave freeway slightly to the west of the road just before Ponche Rd. It was not a crop duster I can assure you. It was doing crazy maneuvers that no know aircraft can do. The only way I can describe it is to compare it to a moth attacking a light bulb. But it was doing this with the ground and the sky. It jumped around great distances in seconds. A crop dusters flight path would not spastically jump from one point to the next and at that speed. Also we could clearly see the triangle shape. What crop duster looks like a stealth bomber? I not saying it was alien. But it's definitely a craft not openly know by the US citizens.
This JUST happened to us! Well, more like an hour or so ago! The descriptions closely fit what I just experienced with my boyfriend and friend. Although, I definitely saw a plane and I definitely heard it as it dangerously flew about 15 - 20 feet above our SUV. We got so shocked that my boyfriend (the driver) had to hit the brake because we seriously thought it was going to hit us. IT WAS COMING RIGHT AT US. The three lights and everything. Not a triangular shape. It was a plane, no doubt.
I'm still so freaked out by it all. I couldn't believe it. The plane kept doing it. I thought it was going to crash after it passed us, but it just flew right back up and continued doing the same thing. We were starting to think the pilot was suicidal or something.
This happened on the I-5 about 40 miles before the 198 entrance.
This same thing just happened to my family last night at 2:30 AM, 7/11/2014.Same place, same exact description. Fascinating!
While driving back from La to the Bay Area at around 10.30 pm near Harris Ranch, I saw three horizontal lights flying in random patterns, it lasted for about 2 minutes and then we could not see it. About one hour later, we pulled out of the freeway to get gas, when we were coming back onto the Freeway, we saw the three lights much closer beyond an embankment. Initially they appear as lights on a tower in a playing field, but suddenly they started flying over the embankment going as if it was going to crash, then it lifted and disappeared. I Don't have an explanation for it and it certainly was not a crop duster, it stayed still for a while before it started moving....
Hi there- the video that you posted is mine. I'd be interested to know if you saw it again during your hunting. It's been a long time since that sighting, and it's still one of the craziest things I've seen.
This was exactly what I saw - the video posted is mine. It was near the Panoche exit and the lights were changing from linear to rotating also
My wife and I just saw these tonight 8/2/2014 around midnight. Same looping flight pattern. It flew right over us. We heard noise but it didn't sound like a conventional airplane or crop duster. Same three spotlight like lights illuminating the ground. And it would at times hover like a helicopter right above the ground. It did have a conventional airplane shape with wings. But the body looked like a drone or a pilot-less fuselage.
I just had a similar experience happen to me last night on I5 between 930-1030pm. I was heading south towards Fresno when suddenly out of nowhere I noticed what I first thought to be an airplane on the northbound side. I thought maybe it was making a landing on some runway I couldn't see due to the darkness but then realized it was actually right above traffic! The first thing I noticed were three non-blinking white lights, then how close it seemed to be flying to the vehicles. As I got closer I realized it seemed to be flying directly over the other vehicles almost right on top of them! It scared the crap out of me because I thought it was going to crash! Then suddenly it took off into the sky and circled around flying across the interstate to my side, and like the previous post said it was making acrobatic maneuvers that no simple plane could do! I even got my boyfriends attention and he caught the tail end of it just before it completely disappeared on the side of us! I told myself it was probably a drone or some government aircraft possibly monitoring the speed of traffic. It creeped me out so much though, that as soon as we got to our Hotel I went online to try to find out something! After waking up from a dream about it at 3am, I finally found this site with similar experiences and now don't feel so crazy! I'm still not sure what it was but it would be kind of cool to say I had my own UFO sighting!
Same thing happened to me around 11pm last night. I was driving on I-5 in between coalinga and Los banos. Saw the plane coming at the interstate. Flew about 30' over us. My boyfriend has thought it crashed into field and then we saw it make a crazy sharp turn and come back towards I-5. It did this 2 more times as I sped away from it as fast as I could.
We saw the same thing last nigjt on i5 coming home..... It cross right innfront lf us..
My sister, niece, and I were returning to SoCal from a trip to the Redwoods in early June 2002 headed south on I-5. We had left Andersen's Pea Soup in Santa Nella about 35 minutes earlier and were south of that location near the Manning Ave. overpass when I noticed a peculiarly lighted aircraft flying slowly towards the highway from the east. It was early evening about 6:30 and still quite light out as the aircraft passed right over the highway in front of us and not more than 200-300 feet above the road. The lights on its right side were very bright white but I was sure I would see the familiar outline of a small crop duster as I got closer. I did not. All I could see was a very narrow horizontal line of bright lights(it was hard to tell how many)with no dark aircraft silhouette and certainly no vertical tail surface. As light out as it was, I should have seen the fuselage and tail as well as the FAA required green navigation light on the right wing tip and some kind of anti-collision lighting. The craft continued westbound over the fields and orchards to the west of the highway and made a sharp left turn to the south exposing its left side and the same bright white lights. It then proceeded to drop into what looked like a normal aircraft style landing disappearing behind orchards about a mile away. I wanted to get off at Manning Ave. and see where it landed but my sister was too creeped out by it and said no-way! I heard no sound associated with it even though I opened the window briefly when it was directly in front of us.
This is so interesting! My girlfriend and I just experienced this exact sighting in the same location. She first complained that someone had their bright lights on as it was about right behind us hovering. As soon as I saw it as well, it stopped on a dime and made a sharp turn towards the East. My girlfriend started freaking out asking where it went. We couldn't see a thing. I know someone else had to see this. It was just before Los Banos.
I'm a concert tour driver, myself and three other drivers saw this craft close up. It first appeared approximately 2 miles ahead of us and crossing the I5 as we were driving southbound. We all watched in silence thinking it was nothing more that a small plane out crop dusting. It disappeared to the right of us and as we passed by the spot we could see it's faint glow in the distance. Then, it appeared again, coming from the direction we had last seen it. It came straight at the rear truck, spooking the driver, it the turned parallel to the 5 and traveled alongside us, it was going a speed of approximately 100 mph. It passed us and turned directly in front of me, I was the lead truck. I clearly saw it's underside. It was big, much bigger than I had originally thought. It was diamond shaped and very wide, almost as wide as it was long. It had lights at the corners, and appeared to be built in two layers, an outer layer over an inner layer. It was matte grey in color, and non reflective. It made the most unusual banking turn in front of me and flew off to the left, at this point we lost sight of it....
Experienced this on tuesday at truck almost flipped over..unbelievable. .
Any of you guys notice LeMoore Naval Air Base is a short coupla miles to the east? I counted no less the 127 F16 or F22's (?) plus several helicopters near the multiple hangers and runways.
Also, I remember waiting for my table at Harris Ranch restaurant nearby. The bench back rest was a huge carving of the 'winged disc'!
Also, if the thing is alien, the stock yards & high tension power lines nearby may be of interest...
I use to drive up I-5 and expeienced this light with a buzz follow along side of my car at 80-90 mph. It moved with such precision as if it were remotEly controlled. I am more inclined to believe them to be drones being tested. The question's are, by whI'm and what purpose? Commercial or military? And/or highway traffic?
I don't think it's any sort of UFO, but I just saw this yesterday (Feb 18, 2017). We were on that same area of the I5, southbound, when it came over an overpass, dived down so low I thought it going to land in the northbound lanes of traffic, then went just slightly off to the side of the road, where there were trees. I thought for certain it was going to crash-land in the trees. My husband insisted he saw a red light on it, and thought it was a police plane of some sort. I only saw 3 round, white lights in a triangular pattern. I actually found this old blog post by searching for news articles about a possible plane crash out that way yesterday, fully thinking whatever it was must've crashed. My guess is a crop duster, or someone else with a small, agile plane screwing around. But it's crazy to read that it's been happening for more than a decade!
It was 2:30 am on March 25th, 2018. We just saw the same thing at mike marker 376 (ish) past Los Banos on i5. I won’t repeat what everyone has said on here because what we saw was the same thing. My six year old even saw it and was scared. It never flew over us but was beside us on the left as we were heading south. As a guy said above it looked like moths attacking a light bulb. The movements were so Sporatic and jokty. There is no way a normal aircraft could replicate those movements. Right before it came to a halt and hovered it went from 3 lights to one. Then disappeared. Glad to know we weren’t the only ones who have seen this strange phenomenon.
July 21, 2018 2:30-3:00 AM
Driving north on hwy 5 between los banos and coalinga, we thought a small plane was crash landing into the southbound lanes. We saw three large horizontal bright lights, no sound, no red/green navigation lights. It flew dangerously close to the tops of the moving vehicles then its lights went off and we could barely see a dark triangular shape as it flew off at a 90 degree angle only to appear again behind us, lights on again and descend on northbound traffic. Very startling. Glad I found others who have witnessed this same thing.
July 21, 2018 2:30-3:00 AM
Driving north on hwy 5 between los banos and coalinga, we thought a small plane was crash landing into the southbound lanes. We saw three large horizontal bright lights, no sound, no red/green navigation lights. It flew dangerously close to the tops of the moving vehicles then its lights went off and we could barely see a dark triangular shape as it flew off at a 90 degree angle only to appear again behind us, lights on again and descend on northbound traffic. Very startling. Glad I found others who have witnessed this same thing.
I have seen this thing last night. It was a triangle and 3 lights. Hovered above me and landed somewhere on the right. I thought it was gone until I saw it hovering 2 ft from the ground and then shot straight up then zoomed away. Was crazy and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Didn’t move like any aircraft I know unless it was a harrier. Made no sound either and my windows were open. I was on highway 5 headed to Los Angeles miles before I hit coalinga
Im also a trucker, ltl line haul to be exact. My run is from the bay area to coalinga and back every night. Im actually in coalinga off the 198 right now. Its 4:10 am. I found this site after having this thing almosg run into my truckyesterday morning on the way back. I too am familar with the crop dusters and same as you tried to wrap my brain around it being that when i first saw it across the highway banking and heading towards me. But i knew something wasnt right. It actually expanded to 5 lights and looked as of it was getting bigger and moving faster super low to the ground. I was terrified. I was stunned when all 5 lights stopped about 70 yards from the highway and just hovered mere feet off the ground. I tried to get a good look at what it was. It appeared to just be 5 seperate super bright lights trying to appear to be one big craft. I jumped on here right now because i just pulled up to my meet location here in coaling after having just driven through a hornets nest of these things. Just saw 2 of them out in the same area i saw the one last night to the west. Then one single light moving incredibly fast and low to the ground as i approached the 198 exit ramp. The 2 i saw were 3 light configuration and doing crazy movements with the lights swapping places. Now i dread i must head back through the area once mt meet driver gets here to swap trailers but i am armed with my video camera. Ironically there really isnt any place for a truck to stop in the area. Its extremely dark as well. Ill do my best to gef quality footage if they are still out there. I havent noticed this before but im usually not this early due to construction traffic so its daybreak by the time i head back most of the time and they seem to go away with day break. In previous years running to kettllman i noticed what I THOUGHT was crop dusters from time to time but obviously something else is going on. These things are mimicking the crop dusters almost like its a game.
Truck driver here i just caught them good on camera early this morning
I just caught it on film this morning please take a look
Charles this is the s ame ltl driver that replied to you this morning. I indeed caught it good on film heading back, please take a look
Seen it as well. But at that time there wasn’t any sites about it. I doubt the crop duster theory because I don’t think they would need something as technically advanced to dust crops. I do know that Area 51 isn’t to far from where everyone has seen it on hwy 5 but that doesn’t really mean much I just thought it was interesting. We did hear it and to me I heard like similar to a turbine engine but with quick throttle control when on side of us. My girlfriend wanted to stop and get out but I told her he’ll no I’m not going to be the one on the news talking about getting probed keep driving. But I’m grateful for this site so I don’t feel crazy anymore.
I saw a set of three lights flying together in the same area last night, and than one splitting away from the other two and ,making a loop. It reminded me of the Blue Angels precision flying team. This went on crossing the freeway three or four times. It was definitely not a crop duster as they were flying in a very chaotic sequence All that I could think of was that it was U.S. military trying out new combat technology.
Very alarming in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere on Interstate 5 in California.
saw the same EXACT thing last week!!! About 12am...doing same maneuvers as everyone else has described. As an amateur aviation enthusiast I had to think a conventional crop duster. I've driven the stretch of highway over 200x and witnessed crop dusters in daylight and no plane I know (particularly) crop dusters can move the way it did. It was definitely a UFO by definition. Just drove that stretch of highway again early this morning and later during the day and no luck. But was incredibly intriguing. Glad I found this thread.
I just seen the same thing at the same around 10:15pm on august 24th 2020. i swear i thought it was a ufo
I just seen the same thing at the same around 10:15pm on august 24th 2020. i swear i thought it was a ufo
Hi seen the same thing on monday night October 2020 I was in madera on 145 coming back from the casino
Saw this exact thing back in 2002 near Harris Ranch. Late—maybe midnight. I wondered about the crop duster idea or maybe a hobby craft of some sort, but the way it moved was very odd, and the lights didn’t always seem fixed on one level. Very interested to see that people keep seeing these!
I saw the same thing tonight, but there where at least two or three crafts all kinda spaced out, The one closest was flying super erratic, and super close to the road at one point I thought it was going to fly into the road. Only three white lights I was on hwy 41 right outside of kettleman.
I seen this Saturday night(actually early Sunday morning about 2:30 am. No way it is a airplane!! (Way too erratic)
What was it??
Somewhere near Bakersfield California on I-5
Saw something similar I5 near Firebaugh on 9/4/21 around 8:15 pm. Similar description as other posts: low to ground, fast banking/rolling/turning, no sound.
Saw something similar 9/4/21 around 8:15 pm on I5 North near Firebaugh. With similar description: low to road, moving fast, large, banking with tight turns, no sound.
We saw these lights South of Los Banos on Friday September 2nd. It started as one light in the distaice that looked just like a light on a pole and as we got closer it turned into 3 or 4 lights and looked like a super low flying plane.
It’s funny how people think it’s a crop duster because of the comments of it’s strange flying patterns, and proximity to ag fields. It wasn’t a crop duster for the simple reason, the smallest wingspan of a duster is 34’ up to maybe 38’. The thing that flew over my truck was at most 14’ at its widest, because when It cleared the font of my tractor you can see it was a little wider than the truck trailer in front of me at 8.5 feet wide in a 12’ lane and it was maybe 20’ long. No wings or tail rudder, prop. If it was a drone it would have had a hidden propulsion system,as none was visible. I don’t know if drones can hover though. I don’t know what it was. It wasn’t conventional. FAA rules state no aircraft should be flying under 500’ of any roadway highway, or interstate unless in the case of an emergency. It broke every FAA laws on the books.
I seen this before blue no sound no shape. Hovered over the freeway. We went under the ship. Or light. It's spot light bright and blue so blue it was not blinding just awesome
My son and I were driving on I5 heading to Oceanside on 9/14/23 when we saw some blinking flashing lights in the sky. I thought it was a plane doing tricks. As we got closer it went in a vertical position and 3 triangles formed (white lights) and hovered for about 5 seconds. It was pretty big and it honestly scared me lol. I grabbed my phone trying to take a photo but by the time I turned it on it had flew in a 90 degree angle so fast unlike any jet or plane across the sky. I clicked for a pic but all I caught was a horizontal light that looked like a worm. Im glad I did because I was able to see the location of when I took that pic and it was near Firebraugh towards Coalinga area which was after Los Banos and near Fresno. I googled that location and found this page. It made me relieved to know we weren't the only ones who saw this.
Last night. I saw this. I-5 near kettleman City. Saw it driving south Drivers side up high 3 flashing lights. Next thing I know it’s right outside passenger window bout 10 feet off highway. Wake passenger up and the thing darts off straight then up at unimaginable speed. Disappears then appears drivers side way up in the air u ahead and disappears again. I couldn’t take video until the end because I was mostly in disbelief. The part that gets me is when it was parallel to passenger window what it looked like was 3 drones parallel together but the lights were off and there was a blue glow. It wasn’t that big. I was baffled. The rest of the time it was the 3 lights identical to the YouTube sighting.
Saw this I-5 1am last night 6-29-2024 detailed up close look too
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